Thinking of getting the newest iPhone? Hold on for just a minute!

Android or iPhone? To me, the question is difficult to answer. Not that I want to be neutral, because I’m not. Just come by the office and I’ll be happy to tell you.  I’m just not putting it in writing. And in case you’re wondering, I put Android first only because the correct spelling of iPhone is with the first letter in lower case and the grammar geek in me will not start a sentence with a lower case letter. So I had to put Android first.

It’s difficult to answer because I use both. I have a Galaxy 3S phone and an Galaxy 2 tablet for my personal use, and an iPhone 4S and iPad Mini for work use. There has been some discussions with tech experts that I know about whether or not keeping both the tablet and iPad in the same pocket of my purse will create a black hole that swallow the entire universe. Would both devices being in covers prevent the disaster? Good questions, if you care to ask me!

Fortunately, I don’t often carry both tablets. I do carry both phones, but they have separate pockets on opposite sides of my bag. I’m doing what I can to protect the sanctity of our world. You’re welcome!

If you are of the iDevice persuasion, are you currently using an iPhone as your Supra eKey? Are you considering getting the service or switching to it? Check this out first.

Apple released the latest operating system for the Apple devices (iPhones, iPads, etc.) today. Supra wants you to know that they are taking proactive steps to help with the upgrade for their eKey customers.

Basically this means that if you have the eKey software on your iPhone, the system will help remind you to pick up the latest operating system version. It’s important to keep this updated so that the eKey software will continue to function correctly.

If you’re considering getting the newest iPhone, 5c or 5s, Supra reports that they fully expect the new phones to work with the eKEY software. They do not expect to have to make any programming changes to accommodate these newest Apple devices. If they find something, they’ll let us know ahead of time.

Any time you consider getting a new phone that will be used with the eKey software, be sure to check the Supra Approved Device list. It may not be a deciding factor in your smartphone selection, but it may help you break a tie.

Questions? Comment on this post, call us at 850-244-2411, or email

Susan Beck, I.S. Director
Emerald Coast Association of Realtors®
Fort Walton Beach, FL

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