Tag Archives: FlexMLS

Flexmls is not List-It

We’re starting the second month of our new MLS system. We’re hearing more and more agents who like the system and are adjusting. We’re hearing of agents who hate it and are having a hard time. I’m not surprised. Change is never easy. Even a change for the better, that is inevitable.

Some of you will read the title of this message and completely agree. Both positively and negatively. Flexmls is not List-It. List-It was easy because it was familiar. You knew it. At least you knew the features that you used. There were a lot of features of the system that some of you had no idea were there. Because you never used that function. You found the way to use the system to do what you needed to do.

For those of you who have been here for a while, we started using List-It 12 years ago. That’s a really long time in the MLS world. Think about how much computers have changed since then.

You probably used Windows 95, had a 100mb hard drive, and used dial-up internet. Or possibly an Apple IIe, maybe the new PowerBook.

We were one of the first customers for List-it. If I remember right, we were #3. We actually helped test and develop some of the basic features that you came to know in List-It. It took over three years to get things the way we wanted. Parts of the system were constantly changing and evolving, or being added.

Now things at Solid Earth, the creators of List-It, are evolving again. They have a new product called Spring. They first introduced it in early 2011, and projected to have all of their customers on the new system within a couple of years. But trying to create a completely new MLS platform while maintaining one built on technology that was already over 10 years old was more daunting than expected. Parts of the system are still being developed, as List-it customers are switching over.

What’s the underlying message in that last paragraph? A change to the MLS was going to happen. We were going to go to Spring, or something else. Flexmls was chosen.

Please allow me to put to rest a misconception. Several of you are under the impression that the Association staff chose flexmls and put it into place without talking to any Realtors. In actuality, the Board of Directors, under the advisement of two task forces who researched the different MLS systems for two years, chose the system.

Now that we know what we like, we have to adjust those things to a new MLS foundation. We were able to do some of this before the system went live. But other things cannot be seen until you got your hands on it. So your input and feedback is invaluable. Some of your suggestions have already been implemented and others are in the works.

But I feel like some of the suggestions are trying to make flexmls exactly like List-It. As much as I’m sure you would love that, it cannot happen.

Let’s go to the positive. What did we gain with flexmls?
Showing Requests
Unlimited Hi-Resolution photos
Market Trends
Contact Matching
Private Notes on any listing
A direct link to the county Property Appraiser’s record
Mobile Homes separated from Detached Single Family homes

This is just a short list of the things that I can think of off the top of my head. There’s more.

As with any other endeavor, you get out of things what you put into them. If you spend all of your time railing about the change, and fighting the new routines and processes, it will take you a lot longer to get familiar with the system.

One of my new favorite sayings is “It is what it is.” To me that means that something has changed, I cannot control that, so I will adjust.

We are here to help you. We want to help you get adjusted to flexmls. If that means hearing you vent for 15 minutes about how much harder the new system is, then so be it. But I’d rather spend that 15 minutes helping you do what you’re trying to do

Questions? Call us at 850-244-2411 or email susan@ecaor.com.

Susan Beck, I.S. Director
Emerald Coast Association of Realtors®
Fort Walton Beach, FL

Tip of the Week – Street Name/Subdivision List

I’ve heard a lot of questions about the Master Street Name and Project Name/Subdivision lists. These lists started out a really good idea. But then it blossomed into something else. That’s why it wasn’t brought back.

When we first started the Street Name and Project Name/Subdivision list, it seemed like an idea that would be a huge time saver. We put together a list of all of the street names, subdivisions, and condo projects in our area, and made that list available in the MLS.

When you put in a new listing, you could type the street name, for example Hollywood, click the LookUp button, and the system would find possible matches, including street type (suffix) and direction. You could then choose the right one for the property you were listing. Since this field is required, it seemed like a great way to make sure the listing was entered with a correctly spelled and abbreviated street name.

Sounds great, huh? But then what do you do when the street name you need is not on the list. We couldn’t have something in the system that would stop you from entering your listing. So an Override button was added. And the master list went downhill from there.

Some agents used the list as they should, but others did not. Some agents have been putting in their listing and hitting override without using the master list at all.

I’ve known this for some time, but I didn’t realize the extent of this until we started our current MLS conversion. My first clue was the programmers asked if we wanted to use the 2000 name master list that I provided, or the 10,000 name list that could be created out of the data.


It turns out that the master list that I pulled out of List-it had about 2000 street names in it, but the actual listing data had about 10,000 different street names. Was our master list that far off?

Not really! There were some names that we think should have been on the list, but weren’t. But for the most part, the majority of the streets names were duplicates that were spelled, punctuated, or abbreviated differently. For example, Hollywood was on the list as Hollywood, Holly Wood, Hollywood Blvd, Hollywood Boulevard, SE Hollywood, SW Hollywood, etc.

Looking at just a few examples, I quickly realized that the master list we had was a mess. There was no way to go through the list and remove the true duplicates. I have no way to know for sure if Mainsail Ave and Main Sail Ave are not two separate streets in different towns.

List-It went through three changes in relation to the master lists for searching. As many of you know, if you tried to search using the master list, you would only get the properties entered that exactly matched, which was not all of them. If you used a wildcard character, you would get the majority of the listings that included the portion of the name that you used.

So basically, the master list helped some, but for the most part, did not do its job, either for listing entry or searching. So we’ve decided to scrap it. We may rebuild it as we go along, but we’ll run into the same issue of listings there were entered without a correctly spelling or abbreviated name.

Here’s my “for best results” hint. When you’re searching for a street name or project/subdivision, use a starting and ending asterisk *. For example, if you’re looking for everything in the Tops’l resort area, enter *tops’l*.

The first asterisk tells the system to match anything at the beginning, and the second asterisk says to find anything at the end of the field. So *tops’l* really says “anything tops’l anything”. And as long as Tops’L is somewhere in the project/subdivision name field, you’ll get it.

Questions? Call us at 850-244-2411, or email susan@ecaor.com.

Susan Beck, I.S. Director
Emerald Coast Association of Realtors®
Fort Walton Beach, FL


What’s my phone number?

Someone just today asked about using the roster function (under Search or Daily Functions) in the new MLS to find an agent. I suggested using the Quick Launch to do that. I’ve talked about the Quick Launch bar in previous posts. But what can someone find you by? That depends on which one you have set as the Primary.

In flexmls, you have the ability to set multiple phone numbers, mailing addresses, and email addresses to use in the MLS. But which one can people use to find you and which one is used as a default in the system? That depends on which one you have set as the Primary.

Under My Profile on the Preferences menu, there are boxes for My Addresses, My Phone Numbers, My Email Addresses, and My Webpages. You can add or change the information in each one of these. You can then decide which email address to use for a particular client/customer or use the information to create different business cards for reports.

Using My Email Addresses as an example, when you open this, it should show Work Email in the list, with a display on the right side to show what email address is being used, and if that is your primary email address. This is the email address that carried over from our membership database. If this is correct and it’s your only email address, you don’t need to do anything.

If you would like to add a new email address, click New at the bottom of the list and follow the prompts. Once you add additional addresses, you can choose which one is the primary.

Same thing with the phone numbers, mailing address, and web pages. Make sure the main contact is marked as your primary. If you generally use your cell phone, mark that one as your primary.

When someone searches for you using the Quick Launch bar, they can use your name or your primary phone number (123-555-1234) to find your information.

When you set up an auto-email for a contact, you can choose which email address to send the updated from and responses will go to.

In My Reports, under Preferences, you can create a custom business card, or use the standard business card that will display the primary contact information for you.

Please keep in mind, that the change you make to the contact info in the MLS, stays in the MLS. If you have a permanent change to your contact information: address, email, phone, please contact our membership department. The ECAR membership database sends regular updates to the National Realtor Database (NRDS), which then filters to the Florida Realtor database.

Questions? Call us at 850-244-2411 or email susan@ecaor.com.

Susan Beck, I.S. Director
Emerald Coast Association of Realtors®
Fort Walton Beach, FL

Tip of the Week – Big Text, Small Text!

Big text, small text. Dr. Seuss would continue this with “red text, blue text.” But in this case, I’m talking about text fields in the MLS, and how they’ve changed. This is something you need to be aware of both entering new listings into flexmls and checking your listings that came over from List-It.

Did you know that our contract with flexmls includes a guarantee against down time? That means that if the system is down for more than so much time per month, it costs them money. So they do everything they can to avoid situations where the system can be down.

One of the ways FBS does this is to have a very stable foundation for the system. Every MLS that uses this system has the same base program. There are this many lists, this many text fields, etc. Lists can have as many options as needed. Text fields must come in specific sizes. There are large ones and small ones. The smallest will be ones like Baths or Bedrooms, with two or three characters. The largest is 10,000 characters, which was a public field only. After that, there are 1000, 800, 400, 200, (one each) and a bunch that are smaller. Every MLS is customized within the limits of these fields. Strictly.

So when we come in with four 4000 character fields, we knew there would be some issues. Compromises had to be made. I did some checking of the listings in List-It and confirmed that for the most part, the largest use of the text fields was Remarks. I knew it would be a bad idea to allow 10000 characters for Remarks. If you have trouble printing listings to one page in List-It, imagine what it would be like if Remarks allowed up to 10,000 characters!

So we compromised. We gave Remarks the 800 character field with the 10,000 character supplement, and Agent Notes* (the second largest text field usage in List-It) the 1000 character field. The others, like Directions and Legal Description got the smaller text fields.

Any listing that transferred from List-It to flexmls with more than 800 characters in Remarks would have the remaining text go into the Supplement field. This does print as an additional page.

If the listing had more than the allotted character limit in the other text fields: Agent Notes*, Directions, Legal Description, that text was lost.

So how do you go from using 4000 characters to 1000 characters or less? First, be precise.

Second, there is a caption field with photos that allows up to 1000 characters. You know that detailed description of the kitchen features, or the master bathroom? Put that in the photo caption. Save the space in Remarks for things that cannot be described anywhere else.

The Photo Description field is the name of the photo, Living Room, Kitchen, etc, and will appear above the photo when you print the listing. The Photo Caption field is the field to use to detail the room. This will display below the photo when the listing is printed.

When you’re viewing the photos in the MLS, the Description will appear in the drop-down list above the photos, and allows you to move from photo to photo. The Caption will appear right below the drop-down list.

* If your listing requires specific disclosure added due to seller request (often REO’s or short sales), my recommendation is to add that as a separate document instead of using all of the available space in the Agent Notes field. Be sure to leave the document private (not public) so that only agents will be able to access the document.

Check your listings in flexmls. Make sure that these larger text fields didn’t cut off mid-sentence. Use the Caption field for the photos to describe the rooms. Or use additional documents for things that are necessary but too lengthy to put in the available text fields.

Don’t forget the often forgotten Association Management Company and Contact. Both of these fields are limited to 20 characters. All that’s needed for these fields is the name of the professional management company for the HOA, and the contact phone number. In many listings out of List-It, the phone number was cut off due to the inclusion of the manager’s name.

Next Tip will cover flexmls Hot Sheets.

Questions? Call us at 850-244-2411, or email susan@ecaor.com.

Susan Beck, I.S. Director
Emerald Coast Association of Realtors
Fort Walton Beach, FL

Translation, please!

I will confess. I’m one of the nosy ones who’s always wondering what people are saying when they’re speaking in another language. I know I shouldn’t, but I do. I’ve thought of getting one of those programs that teach you other languages, but I haven’t gotten to that point yet.

Sometimes the first step of learning a new language is to start with basic vocabulary. Learn the most common words, and the rest will follow. Maybe learning a new MLS system is the same. Nothing is in the right place, things aren’t always called the same thing. But maybe if you knew that “copy” is the same as “clone”, it would help.

So I’ve decided to put together a basic translation list. A List-It to flexmls guide. I may not hit every single term that’s different. But I’ll try to include as many as I can.

List-It                                                      flexmls

Home …………………………………………Dashboard
ECAR ID …………………………………….Short ID
http://www.ecarmls.com ……………………… http://www.flexmls.com
Customer Report ………………………..Public Version
Agent Report………………………………Private Version

Quick/Pro Search ………………………..Quick Search
Inventory…………………………………….My/Office/Company Listings

Prospects ……………………………………Contacts
Consumer URL …………………………..Portal

Statistics/Inventory & Production Reports
Market Penetration by…   …………….Saturation Analysis
Market Penetration Comparison …..Market Share
Sales & Inventory History …………….Yearly Market Comparison

Daily Functions
Seller’s Net Proceeds ……………………Closing Cost Estimator (Calculator)
Buyer’s Estimated Closing Costs …..Closing Cost Estimator (Calculator)
Profile Sheets ……………………………..Input Form

Setup/Personal ……………………………My Profile
Results Designer (Tools) ………………My Views
Report Designer/Pro ……………………My Reports
Setup ………………………………………….General Preferences
Public …………………………………………Portal Preferences
Gateway ……………………………………..IDX Manager

Maintenance ………………………………..Add/Change
Add New ……………………………………..Add
Edit Listing/Change Status/Media …Change
Clone …………………………………………..Copy
Category ………………………………………Property Type
Street Type …………………………………..Street Suffix
Put on Internet …………………………….Export

Draft/Provisional …………………………Incomplete
Sold/Leased/Rented …………………….Closed
Temporarily Withdrawn ……………….Temporarily Off Market
Permanently Withdrawn ……………….Cancelled

There are probably more. But these are ones that came to me first. I hope this list helps you find the options that you’re missing. If you find some that I didn’t include, let me know.

Questions? Call us at 850-244-2411, or email susan@ecaor.com.

Susan Beck, I.S. Director
Emerald Coast Association of Realtors
Fort Walton Beach, FL

Tip of the Week: flexmls Preferences

What puts the flex in flexmls? Is it the ability to create your own quick search template? Is it the ability to make your own results view? Is the option to have more than one email address in the MLS? All of the above and more.

I know you’re busy getting used to the new MLS, and finding all the options and reports that you used in List-It. But when you get a chance, check out the Preferences tab. You might be surprised what you find.

I’m not going to explain each and every option in detail right now. That would take too long and no one has the time to read that much at one time. But let’s do a quick summary of what’s there.

  • My Profile: set your own security level (change password, turn on two-step verification), add email addresses or personal info
  • My … (Views, Reports, Quick Search): build your own customized options to make the MLS your own.
  • My Exports: flexmls uses the term “Export” in two places. Here in Preferences and on the Export tab when adding a new listing. Both times the term means to take the listing data from the MLS to somewhere else, whether a spreadsheet or another website.
  • General Preferences: this is an important function to go into. This is similar to the Setup option in List-It. From here you can establish default settings, including search results font size, report versions (private or public), email settings, etc.
  • Portal Preferences: create a single portal (website) for your prospects/contacts to visit to see their saved listings.
  • IDX Manager: find the options for frame-able links available through flexmls (similar to Gateway IDX in List-It).
  • Default Map: select the area for the map view to go to automatically. Keep it wide for the entire ECAR area, or focus on the area you mainly work in.
  • Member Profile: If you’re the office manager or broker of a company, you can edit the profile of any of your agents.

Need help with any of these functions? While you’re on that page, click the Help button in the top right corner. You’ll get context sensitive help that goes right to the feature that you’re on. It doesn’t give step by step instructions on how to add an additional email address, but it will give you a description of what each option is.

Find a few minutes in your day and check out each of these options. You might find that it helps make the system easier to use, and show you a better idea of why this system is the one selected by the Board of Directors for all ECAR MLS users.

Next Tip – Quick Launch (shortcut to beat all shortcuts)

Questions? Call us at 850-244-2411, call flexmls support at 888-525-4747, or email susan@ecaor.com.

Susan Beck, I.S. Director
Emerald Coast Association of Realtors
Fort Walton Beach, FL

Tip of the Week: Dashboards

Now that the flexmls system is live for ECAR, let’s talk about the first page you see. That’s the dashboard. Up until now, you got what we wanted you to get on the MLS Home page. Now you can choose. Which dashboard do you see? What do you get on the dashboard? What should you keep on the dashboard? How do you get back to the dashboard?

One question at a time.

Which dashboard do you see? In the top left corner of the flexmls home page is a Dashboard button. There are some different dashboards already set up that show how you can alter that page. We recommend using the ECAR Home dashboard. It’s preset to show some basic features including the links and news from ECAR. The next question covers how to customize that to what you want it to be.

What do you get on the dashboard? Well, that’s up to you! In the top right corner of the page is a Customize button. When you click this button, you’ll see the options to change your dashboard. You can change the layout to one, two, or three columns. You can add gadgets. Each block you see on the dashboard is a different gadget. You can create your own default dashboard. Or remove a dashboard you don’t need any more. Please do not remove the ECAR Home dashboard since that’s the recommended one for all ECAR MLS users.

What should you keep on the dashboard? We recommend you keep the Message Board and MLS Links. This is how ECAR staff keeps you updated on what’s going on at ECAR and the world. Right now the Message Board contains the basic support contact information for flexmls. We’ll keep that there for a little while. But it will be replaced with the ECAR News. That’s the left side column on the List-It home page and on the EmeraldCoastRealtors.com website. You’ll see news that’s not always in the ECAR Buzz. The MLS Links gadget includes all the links from the List-It home that you’ve come to rely on, including Forms Simplicity and others.

How do you get back to the dashboard? Once you get into the system, doing a search or running a report, how do you get back? Just click the flexmls logo in the top left corner of the page. That will take you to the opening page. How do you get to EmeraldCoastRealtors.com? Click the first link on the  MLS Links gadget – Emerald Coast Realtors. That will link you right to the association webpage.

With any new software, there will be an adjustment period and some customizing that you’ll need to do. This software is the same. Take a few minutes soon and make life easier for yourself. Next week, we’ll talk about Preferences.

Questions? Call us at 850-244-2411 or email susan@ecaor.com.

Susan Beck, I.S. Director
Emerald Coast Association of Realtors®
Fort Walton Beach, FL

Tip of the Week – Admin Assistants in flexmls

I’ve gotten numerous calls from agents, brokers, and admin assistants asking if assistants can log into flexmls. First, yes they can. Using the same login protocol as agents: ecn.a????? with the initial default password. But then what? Does flexmls work the same way for admins as List-It does? The answer to that question is NO!

When you log into flexmls as an admin assistant, you will have access to searching, statistics, etc. But in order to run a search for your employer or to edit/enter a listing for someone in your office, you will need to be a Superuser.

My last blog, dated Thursday February 20, introduced the Superuser function. So here’s how you use it.

First, log into flexmls with your assistant ID. If you have previously logged into List-It using the ID of your employer, you will no longer be able to do that. Use your own ID from here on.

Second, click the button in the top right corner of the flexmls page.  We’ll call this the User button. It will look something like this “SB as SB”. This means you’re logged in as you, working for you. Click that button to open menu of options.


From here, you have two choices. You can go to the text box and type in the full ID of the person you need to log in as; such as ecn.train2. Then click the Use button.


Or you can click the Change User option. This is easier for someone who is an assistant for an office or company, and you don’t remember everyone’s ID off the top of your head. This will open the Change User option. You can either type in the login ID, or choose from a list, then click the Next button. You’ll then be switched over to that person’s access and can do anything that they can do. It will NOT interfere with their ability to log in at all.


Is the person you need to log in as not on your list, or is it not working when you try? Please contact us. We’ve gone through all of our admin assistants (all 450 some of you), and set up the superuser options as they are in List-It. But we know that some of you, of course already registered with your own login ID, are just logging in as someone else to help them. Please keep in mind that when flexmls goes live, you will not be able to do that anymore.


One more thing. Flexmls will remember how you were last logged in. So if you superuse as someone else, even if you log out, you will be automatically set up as the superuser for the same person again when you log in next. Make a habit of checking the User button in the top right corner to make sure you know how you’re logged in. Or always go back to being yourself before logging out of the system.


Is this all clear as mud? This is a new concept that we’ve never had before. Give it a try and see how it works. If you still don’t get it, call us. 850-244-2411, or email susan@ecaor.com.


You can also call directly to FBS (flexmls) support at 888-525-4747. If you lose this number, click the Help button on the flexmls page (right next to the User button).


Susan Beck, I.S. Director
Emerald Coast Association of Realtors®
Fort Walton Beach, FL

What’s next in the flexmls conversion?

Timing is everything. Remind me of something too soon, and I’ll forget. Tell me of a turn too late, and I’ll miss it. We walk a fine line of when to put out information so that it’s most useful and gets to everyone that needs to get it. And everyone has their own idea of when the timing is right.

So here’s a few big things to keep in mind as we creep ever closer to the Go Live date for our new MLS system.

  1. The Maintenance function of the List-It MLS will be taken down on February 28, 2014*. You will be unable to make any changes to your listings or prospects until flexmls goes live on March 3. This sounds like a long time, but it’s actually only two full days, over a weekend. Please plan for your MLS use around this event.
  2. Draft and provisional listings cannot be transferred from List-It to flexmls. Both are held in the List-It MLS in a way that cannot be pulled out. Be sure to activate any provisional or draft listing before February 28. If you can’t do that, I would recommend converting any needed draft listing to provisional, then printing the listing in full detail so that it can be recreated in flexmls when the time is right.
  3. Documents attached to the listings in List-It will be carried over to flexmls as well as photos. However, some of the documents may not appear on the listings in flexmls immediately on the Go Live date. They should be fully available by March 8. You do not need to reload any missing documents.
  4. Photos: as mentioned above, the photos in List-It will be carried over to flexmls. You may want to consider replacing the photos in flexmls with photos from your own computer. Flexmls allows for unlimited high resolution photos that do not have to be resized and then made to fit (by way of the white side or bottom bar) to fit a certain size window. You can as many photos as you want, with the only limitation being that they must be under 15 megabytes in file size. The current limit is 3 megabytes. Keep in mind when you      consider how many photos to add that most public sites, like Realtor.com and others, do have a limit. Realtor.com will display up to 36 photos.

Click here to get a short list of all of the important dates*. Please keep in mind that some of training classes on this page have been filled.

Click here to see the ECAR Class Schedule if you need to register for one of the training sessions we have for this month. More classes are being booked both at ECAR and in other locations, including Crestview, Defuniak Springs and South Walton, for March and April. Watch the Education Update, emailed to you on Fridays, and the ECAR Class Schedule for more information those sessions.

Questions? Call us at 850-244-2411 or email susan@ecaor.com.

Susan Beck, I.S. Director
Emerald Coast Association of Realtors®
Fort Walton Beach, FL

SuperUser! Away!

Superheros are awesome! I absolutely love the older Superman and Batman shows, as corny as they seem now. My current favorites are the mutated superheros, like Wolverine, Storm and the rest of the X-Men. They represent my fantasy of the next phase of human evolution where people can develop random super powers. I even like to have the discussions, with like-minded people, of what super power would be cool to have. In flexmls, you can have the superpower to assume someone else’s identity. How does it work?

Flexmls calls it “superuse” (super-use). It only works if you already have an agent or assistant ID, and then only if ECAR staff gives you the superuse permission. When we set that up, we’ll also set up who you can superuse for.

So for those of you who have to use two or more MLS IDs in order to do everything you need to do, in flexmls you’ll have only one.

This is how it works.

Right now ECAR staff is going through all of the admin assistants set up in List-It. We’ve already identified the ones who have not logged into the system in more than 5 months or ever (all 150 of them). Those IDs have been inactivated. The last time we did this, about a year ago, we inactivated almost 200 IDs and only two or three have since been turned back on.

If you’re an assistant and you have been logging into List-It with the ID of the agent or broker you work for, you CANNOT do that anymore in flexmls. We’ll talk about the system security in a minute.  For now, try your assistant ID and see if it still works. If you can’t log into List-It with it, call us.

If you’re an assistant and you don’t have your own ID to log into List-It or flexmls, and you’re using the ID of the agent or broker you work for to access the system, you could be costing your employer a $1000 fine if we find out about it. Any assistant can be registered to have their own access to the MLS with a simple application and a one-time fee of $50. The application is available on the home page of List-It under the MLS Announcements. Do it now, before you get caught!

If you’re an agent who is also a registered assistant, we’ll be able to set up your agent ID in flexmls to superuse as whoever you’re an assistant to. I think we’ve identified all of these agents and we’re in the process of setting up the superuse access for you. Same for all of the registered assistants.

How do you superuse? Once you’re logged into flexmls, you’ll see a small button in the top right corner. It shows how you’re currently logged in. When I’m logged in as me, I see SB as SB (my initials). That button will also have a drop-down arrow. Click that button to open the option. You’ll see a box with your current ID and a use button. Type in the ID (including the ecn.e****) of the person you want to superuse for, and click Use. You can also click the Change User menu option on the same drop-down list to access a list of people that you’re set up to superuse for.

So let’s talk about the system security. Flexmls has a built-in security process that allows a single ID to be logged into the database on only one computer at a time. If you’re already logged into flexmls, and try to log in on another system or if someone else tries to log in with your ID, they will get a warning that tells them that the ID is already logged in. Do you want to back out, or bump the other access off the system.

The superuse system allows your assistant to “assume” your identity to do what you need them to do for you without having to log in as you. There should not be a reason why someone else would need to log in as you.

If you absolutely need to be logged into the MLS on more than one computer or device at a time, call me and I’ll work with you on what we can do.

And if you’re thinking that you can still log in as someone else and the system won’t know, guess again. Flexmls has a login tracker that can identify where (internet address) you’re logging in from. If you log into the MLS in Destin, and then someone else logs into the system in Crestview with your same ID, the system will notify us of an irregularity. Super-security!

Questions? Call us at 850-244-2411 or email susan@ecaor.com.

Susan Beck, I.S. Director
Emerald Coast Association of Realtors®
Fort Walton Beach, FL